29 October, 2016

Download Physics latest model papers with answers


People think their life is incomplete without money. They do not think that life is to enjoy and do good to others. Poor people live happier than rich people because, poor people are stress free. We find rich people to be in stress always. This is because of the money they have. Rich people save money for the future. Most rich peoples are stingy. But poor people try to help others with what they have.
People love to earn money. They save money to become rich. It is good to save money. By reducing unnecessary expenses and saving money, the country will also prosper.

-M.K.N Razeena Banu 08,Malwana International school, Malwana-

2010 Final physics Pastpaper MCQ answers for free download

My self
Hi friends, I am Hasna Jahas from Gurutalawa. I am eleven years old and studying in grade six. My school is B/Al llma Muslim vidyalaya. My father is Mr Naushad , he is an ISA is Welimada education zonal office. My mother is Mrs Isara Naushad. She is a teacher at our school and she teaches Sinhala language. My sister is Aysa Jahas and brother is Mohamed Husni. 

I like playing and reading and consider them as my leisure time activities. My Favorite subject are Sinhala, Tamil and English. I am fond of ice cream and fruits. I have lots of friends. Athaaf Deen is my best brother friend. I want to be a good Muslim woman and a doctor in my future. So pray for me for my best future.
                                                                 -Hasna Jahas, B/Al ilma m.v, Gurutalawa-

2009 Final physics Pastpaper MCQ answers Government issued

My best friend

I Have Many friends. But Mohamed is the one I like most we have know each other since were in grade 09. He is a fall and pale boy with straight short hair. He is know to be cheerful, Friendly and hard working.

Mohamed is kind hearted and is always willing to help others. Most of the time he help me with science and history. Mohamed is an avid reader and interesting to ride bicycle and his ambition is to be come a good pilot one day.  He is usually punctual, but sometimes he is a little absent minded. As he is a good friend, I always enjoy his company. I wish him all the best. I think my friend is gift of god for me.   

-Fathima Afra , Al-Hikma college, Colombo- 12- 

2008 Final physics Pastpaper MCQ answers UGC verified


  • A library is a store house of knowledge.
  • A library renders a great service to the society.
  • A library plays a very important role in promoting knowledge.
  • Many people read books in a library.
  • We can get membership in a library.
  • We can burrow book as well.
  • Reading is a good habit.
  • Reading makes us good and worthy children.

-M.F FAsal Ahmad,Grade 10,ameeniya Arabic College, Kurunegala Road, Nikawaratiya.-

28 October, 2016

2007 Final physics Pastpaper MCQ answers

 Some facts you don't know
  1. It's impossible for most people to lick their own elbow.
  2. A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out
  3. The "sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick" is believed to be the  toughest tongue twister in the English language
  4. if you sneeze too hard, you could fracture a rib
  5. Wearing headphone for just an hour could increase the bacteria in  your ear by 700 times
  6. Like fingerprint, everyone's tongue print are different.
  7. Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated
  8. A shark is the only know fish that can blink with both eyes
  9. Most people fall asleep in seven minutes
  10. The scientific name for rice is "Oryza sativa".

2006 Final physics Pastpaper MCQ answers UGC Verified


Education is the key that unlocks the door to all hardships of life. It’s the most important aspect in people’s lives. Education is becoming important than it has being in the past. Education is an essential human virtue. Human beings become human through education. It has been rightly said that without education human is a splendid slave, reasoning savage. No human beings are able to survive properly without education. Education teaches how to think, how to work, how to behave in society and how to make vice decisions. It is important in our lives.

Through education we learn many concepts that are instilled and taught to us at a very young age. It can make our dreams a reality develop personal growth and improve quality of life. The benefits of education are endless. Without education it’s hard to survive in this modern world. It develops a meaning full out look on life.

The importance of education cannot be neglected by any nation. And in today is world the role of education has become even more vital. It is an absolute necessity for economic and social development of any nations. Education is sign of superiority. Aristotle wrote “educated man are as much superior to uneducated as the living to the dead”.

In short education is an essential component of all human societies. “what sculpture is to a block of marble education is to the soul” says Edison.  Education is the key success. Finally, education is the essential factor which can immensely help to make us rounded personalities.