06 November, 2016

2009 Chemistry Past paper answers advanced level sri lanka

Let’s save the trees for our survival

The natural environment is a very intimate comrade of us. Also most probably the nature is covered with the trees as a green carpet. Trees are the major source where the oxygen is produced.
Even though oxygen is the main necessity for the lives of us. Due to of globalization, urbanization and modernization, this is eliminated from this illusive world. So, the man wants to be alert to face the challenges, caused by his activities. For that he just wants to clasp the spirit of nature firmly. As human who carry a sound knowledge about the world, we should think about the steps to be taken save the nature.

My dearest friends! We are not ignorant men. We have been granted the wisdom by Allah. So, we just have to think about the future generations too. Let’s grow the trees before we fall in adversity.
-Mohammed Jabeer Fathima Mubashshira 2017 A/L Batch-

2008 Final Chemistry Pastpaper MCQ Answers Sri lanka advanced level


Friendship is a bond between two living beings. Friendships are formed irrespective of age, status, caste, creed and gender. A child, a teenager, a young man or even an old man can find a friend according to his feeling and wishes. True friends share feeling such as happiness, sadness and affection. Friend should be trustworthy and loyal to each other. Caring and sharing make a friendship healthy and it uplifts the lives of friends and it will give Color to life, there is proverb that “a friend in need is a friend indeed”. Play wrights have written plays on friendship, lyricists have woven lyrics on friendship, poets have written poems on friendship and novelists have made friendship the them of their novels.

2007 Final Chemistry Pastpaper MCQ Answers UGC Verified


Friendship is a bond between two living beings. Friendships are formed irrespective of age, status, caste, creed and gender. A child, a teenager, a young man or even an old man can find a friend according to his feeling and wishes. True friends share feeling such as happiness, sadness and affection. Friend should be trustworthy and loyal to each other. Caring and sharing make a friendship healthy and it uplifts the lives of friends and it will give Color to life, there is proverb that “a friend in need is a friend indeed”. Play wrights have written plays on friendship, lyricists have woven lyrics on friendship, poets have written poems on friendship and novelists have made friendship the them of their novels.

2006 Final Chemistry Pastpaper MCQ Answers For Free Download


A man’s conversation is the mirror of his heart.
Life without value is like a flower without fragrance.
Those who don’t know to fight worry and die young.
Don’t forget what’s good and don’t forsake what’s excellent.
We meet to part and part to meet.
I’m not dressed today unless I wear a smile.
Education is the mirror of the society.
Success is to make water flow through the rocks.
Don’t go before me, I may not follow you and don’t go behind me.
I may not lead you but just beside me and my friend.

02 November, 2016

2005 Final Chemistry Pastpaper MCQ Answers Government Issued

Singlish walin liyanawa kiyaala tharahawendanam epa hari?

How to Buy a Camera in sinhala
kæmarāvak ganna kalin hari kæmarāvak dænaṭamat bāvitā karanavā nam hari, oyālaṭa kæmarāvak gæna dæna ganna ōna vaṭinama toraturu ræsak api kiyalā denavā.

hon̆da tatvayē kæmarāvak paḷamuvara soyā gænīma apahasu sē penennaṭa puphavana. namudu obaṭa niyamākāra upakaraṇa læbuṇahot eyin gannā chāyārūpa visin obaṭa avasthāvangen piri nava lovak vivara karanu æta. anna ē nisayi paḷamu ḍijiṭal kæmarāva tōrā ganiddī nisi avadhānaya saha sæḷakilla vædagat vannē.

obagē avaśyatāvaya han̆dunā ganna.
kæmarāvaka tōrā gænīma san̆dahā ilekṭronik veḷan̆da sæḷakaṭa yāmaṭa prathamava oba visin obaṭa avaśya vannē kumakdæyi han̆dunāgena tibiya yutuya. mehidi kæmarāvak samaga vividha prabhēdayangē mulikāṁga pavatiyi, samasthayak vaśayen meya oba gannā chuāyārūpayē tatvaya hā sæban̆dē. oba paḷamu kæmarāva miladī gænīemidī sæḷakillaṭa bhājanaya kaḷayutu vædagat upalakṣaṇa mē ākāravē.


obagē avadhānaya yomuviya yutu sulaba kæmarā vargayan vannē SLR saha DSLR vē. mema kæmarā varga deka atara venasa nam piṁtūra vala ehi dṛśyabhāvaya saha ekī kæmarā vargayangē pavatina vividha vu vikalpakramavēdayanya. SLR hevat tanikāca parāvarthaka kæmarā DSLR hevat ḍijiṭal tanikāca parāvarthaka kæmarā valaṭa bohō kaḷakaṭa kalin nipadavu ēvāvē. SLR kæmarāvan tanikācaya magin piṁtūra grahaṇaya kirima karana atara DSLR kæmarāvan tani kācayen grahaṇaya kara gannā rūpaya darśaṇa suvakaya (view finder) harahā chāyārūpaya ḍijiṭal tākṣaṇayen pennum karayi. mema kæmarā varga dekama durin æti rūpa chāyārūpa gata kirimaṭa itā hon̆daya. viśēṣayenma obaṭa ketaram dura ārōhaṇaya (zoom) gænimē hækiyāva mata eya padanam vē. kesē vetat SLR kæmarāven chāyārūpa śilpiyā visin ganu labana chuāyārūpaya darśaka suvakayē (View finder) pennum karana ākārayen ma chuyārūpayak vana atara īṭa pratipakṣava DSLR kæmarāvē ḍijiṭal tiraya mata pennum karana chāyārūpayaṭa vaḍā apēkṣita chāyārūpaya venas sbhāvayak ganiyi.

kæmarāvak miladī gænimēdi tavat sæḷakillaṭa bhājanaya kaḷa yutu karuṇak vannē ehi æti megāpiksels gaṇanaya. obē chāyārūpayē æti piksel gaṇana megāpiksel magin dakvanu læbē. væḍiduraṭat obē avadhānaya piṇisa chāyārūpayak kuḍā aṁśu mātrika koṭas lakṣa gaṇanaka ekatuvak sē sǣdī æta. chāyārūpa kaḷāvē mevæni kuḍā aṁśū mātrayak piksel ekak lesa han̆dunvana atara megāpiksel yanu mevæni miliyana gaṇanaka aṁśūngē muḷu phalayayi. bohō kuḍā kæmarāvan megā piksel 8-10 ka parāsayak dakvayi. kesē vetat DSLR kæmarā saha SLR kæmarāvan megāpiksel 24 væni ihaḷa agayak gata hæki atara emagin obaṭa alaṁkāra hā prasanna chāyārūpayan labā deyi.

prakāśa saha ḍijiṭal ārōhaṇaya (Optical & Digital Zoom)

kalin san̆dahan kala paridi saha kæmarāvan chāyārūpa śilpīngē pradhāna tērīma vannē ehi æti śighra ārōhaṇaya (Zoom) hækiyāva nisāya. kesē vetat mehidi prakāśa saha ḍijiṭal ārōhaṇaya atara ativiśēṣa venaskamak pavatinavā, prakāśa śighra ārōhaṇaya (Optical Zoom) sahita kæmarā vala chāyā rūpa ḍijiṭal śighra ārōhaṇa (Digital Zoom) sahita kæmarā valaṭa vaḍā pæhædili tatvayak æta. ḍijiṭal ārōhaṇayēdī oba væḍi væḍiyen obē ilakkaya veta mānana viṭadī ehi aṁśū mātrika tatvaya pennum kirima væḍi vē. samasthayak vaśayen chuāyārūpa gata kirimen pasu saṁskaraṇayēdī chāyārūpayē tatvaya madak venas kara hæki bava matakayē tabā ganna. prakāśa śighra ārōhaṇaya saha ḍijiṭal śighra ārōhaṇaya viśāla vaśayen pramukhatāvaya noganiyi. kesēvetat obaṭa prakāśita ārōhaṇaya ema mila parāsayaṭama tōrā gænīmaṭa hækinam, eya obaṭa sæḷakillaṭa bhājanaya kirimaṭa hon̆da vikalpayak vē.

oba visin chuāyārūpa gata karana chāyārūpayangē samasthayak vaśayen pramāṇaya memagin dækvē. hon̆da tatvayē chuāyā rūpa san̆dahā kuḍā vargayē kæmarā valaṭa vaḍā SLR hā DSLR kæmarāvan vala darśaṇa anupātikaya vaḍā hon̆da tatvayaka pavatiyi. bohō SLR hā DSLR kæmarāvan vala darśaṇa anupātaya 4:3 vana atara eya veb aḍavīnṭa ek kirimēdī hō mudrita piṭapat sē gænīmēdī vaḍā gælapē.

samasthayak vaśayen oba gannā chāyārūpayē tatvayaṭa ehi æti sudu pæhæya pramāṇaya anuva tīndu karanu labanavā. dhahavala tulanaya (White balance)san̆dahā ISO kriyākāritvayada viśāla væḍa koṭasak sidu karana atara emanisā vikiṇimaṭa æti kæmarāvak baladdī ekī sādhakaya gæna salakā bælīma vædagat vē.

obē lakṣaṇa salakā balanna
dæn oba hon̆din dannavā kumana vargayē kæmarāvak oba visin bæliya yutuda yanna, ē samagama oba visin miladī gænīmē kriyāvalīyēdī sælakilimat viya yutu lakṣaṇa kihipayak melesa vē. hon̆da vargayē bhāvitayaṭa sudusu kæmarāvak soyā gænīmaṭa eya obaṭa udav vēvi.

chāyārūpa śilpiyeku hæma viṭakama kriyāśīlī saha gaman karamin chāyā rūpa gænīma sidu karayi. mē san̆dahā sæḷakilla yomu kaḷa yutu kæmarāva chāyārūpāgārayaka pavatina kæmarāvakaṭa vaḍā venas vē. DSLR pramāṇayakæmarāva mē avsathāvan dekaṭama bohō viṭa bhāvitā kaḷa hæki atara SLR kæmarāvan oba yana sǣma tænakama ræugena yāmaṭa taramaka amāru viya hækiya. maknisādayat saraḷavama obat samaga rægena yāyutu upakaraṇa pramāṇaya nisāya.

viḍiyō nævata dhāvanaya kirima
bohō minisun sæḷakillak dakvana viśālama lakṣaṇayaki viḍiyō nævata dhāvanaya kirimē pahasukama. mema vikalpaya idiripat karanuyē ek vargayaka kæmarāvan pamaṇaki. SLR kæmarāvan viḍiyō gata kirimē tākṣaṇaya næti nisāma ehi meki pravargaya nopavatiyi. DSLR viḍiyō gata kirimē pahasukama DSLR kæmarāvan hī vikalpayak sē pavatiyi, emagin chuāyārūpa gænīmaṭa amatara viḍiyō gata kirima gæna avadhānaya yomu karannagē sæḷakilla yomu
hon̆da milakaṭa anarga kæmarāvak soyā gannē kesēda?

oba soyannē kumakda bava dæn oba dannavā. namudu praśṇaya kæmarāvan vikiṇimaṭa æti tæn soyā gannē kesēda. oba mataka tabā gata yutu vædagat karuṇa nam obagē paḷamu kæmarāva miladī gænimēdī eya veḷan̆da sælakin miladī gænīma hō pāvicci karana lada kæmarāvak gænimaṭada hækiyāva pavatina bavayi. pasuva san̆dahan kaḷa karuṇa obaṭa mudal itiri kirimak sidu karana atara alūt ekak miladī gænimēdī venas vana tākṣaṇika lōkayē væḍipura lakṣaṇa sahita kæmarāvak gænīmē hækiyāva pavatinavā.

hon̆da tatvayē ḍijiṭal kæmarāvak paḷamayenmu varaṭa tōrā gænīmēdī sukṣamava soyā bæliya yutu karuṇu piḷiban̆da vimarṣaṇayak pahata paridivē. emagin obaṭa alaṁkāra piṁtūra saha viḍiyō labā gænīmē maṁ vivaravanu æta.


darśaṇa anupātikaya (Aspect Ratio)

dhahavala tulanaya (White balance)

2004 Final Chemistry Pastpaper MCQ Answers for free download

Sri Lanka is an international app dengue prevention and zika.

Of course, nothing to dengue. Because we already have this deadly epidemic prone been fulfilled.

60 more people have died due to dengue fever in 2016, according to specifically only 43,000 more vulnerable to the dengue fever tests carried out by the Ministry of Health. zika in Sri Lanka, if not more awareness. Sri Lanka is still vulnerable to those who reported no zika virus. The important thing is that both hate to spread dengue and zika mosquito is the species. The motor, the skies had zika hate hate the sketch is to say that he is one mosquito spread.

If that's not about hate zika disease as dengue. But with hate zika mosquito bitten by a woman or a newborn born to have children these things deeply. Is born in low head small children?, eyes visible and ears like an illness or disability is vulnerable to several sure. In short, this is what this is about hate zika .then let that one app. For example, imagine that. Your neighbor's house around that deadly dengue. There was definitely tell you there is a risk of dengue .My. This one does it aæp should a app airdrop is in low places he frequented gævesena home, workplace, university, school or class place like oinama app marked on hold.

And if you are in low walk around in low around someone suffering from dengue notifications that you've had ripoṭ here these days  dengue have been ripoṭ Therefore, this area would risk. In addition, the person can app on you know you could have time Dengue Dengue has more time someone says to ripoṭ with app. Also you can put Mark on app in low. Then one by awa app reness will have a report of Dengue in low areas. with app to get the remedy to combat the dengue epidemic has been aware of. Download app accessed here. Android and Apple iOS support for this.

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2003 Final Chemistry Pastpaper MCQ Answers UGC Verified

Introducing Ockel Mini PC

Windows 10 computer with a small hand whatever.

So back in the technological world evolves this gadget is very small computer. Touch slightly larger than a desktop computer, a smartphone with a screen

That can be opened for many purposes. It was introduced by Microsoft's product support Ockel Computers Computer Institute.

2002 Final Chemistry Pastpaper MCQ Answers UGC Aproved

Simple living makes our life more beautiful

In this modern world, various types of addictions and inappropriate habits are developed due to the different expectations and desires in people. Various types of dressing style, food habits and communication methods used in modern world are the major reasons for people to change. We must have the ability to control such situations with proper understanding for a friendly society.

 Qualities like honesty and humbleness will develop through this. The more we get away from desire and bonds, the happier we can be. Happiness is not something that can be achieved only from outside but, happiness must spring from within us. Come let’s live a simple life and make our life meaningful. Allah loves those who make their lives meaningful and simple.

-Shafiya Farwinfawas, 2016 O/L Islamiyyah College Akurana-