25 September, 2016

2005 Final physics Pastpaper MCQ answers

Famous scientist and their inventions

  • Neils Hendrik David- Bphr Model of Atom
  • Wilhelm Conrad      - RentgenX-ray
  • Karl Frienrich VonDrais- Bicycle
  • Peter Henlein- Pocket Watch
  • WarnerVon Siemens- Dynamo
  • Hans Von Ohain – Jet Engine
  • Meltta Bentz – CoffeeFIlter
  • Karlheeinz Brandenburg – Mp3 Technology
  • Felix Hoffmann - Aspirin


P 2005.pdf

104.02 KB

This is the 2005 final government past paper mcq answers. This answers are 100% verified and student can use this without doubt. This image make you easy to check answers. 

About 2005 final government examination
2005 final examination is little hard. But some student got 100/100 marks on final physics paper. 


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