Showing posts with label Pastpapers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pastpapers. Show all posts

11 November, 2016

2016 Grade 5 Scholarship Past Papers free download srilanka | Tamil Medium

A PROUD GIRL ( the small story about poor girl )

Once there lived a girl by the name of Sita. Her parents were poor, and she too was very poor. They had two cows which gave them milk. They sold the milk and bought their food and clothes.
Sita’s birthday came round and on that day her mother gave her pot of milk saying, “sell this milk and buy some sweets for yourself.” Sita was very happy and away she went with the pot of milk on her head.

On her way, however, she began to think, “Why must I waste this money on sweets? I shall buy a hen and some eggs with it. The hen will sit on them and after about three weeks there will be small chicks. I shall feed them well and help them to grow. After about eight months the hence will lay eggs and I shall get chick from them too. Some Time later I shall sell them and buy a beautiful saree and a jacket to wear. I shall look smart and pretty in my new dress. I shall them go about the streets tossing my head at the other girls. “With that she tossed full of tears, the unhappy girl went back home, without the sweets and without the saree!

-Anushika Hemamaali, Advance level 2017 batch, Viharamahadevi school, Badulla.-

07 November, 2016

2013 Final Chemistry Pastpaper MCQ Answers advanced level | Government


Islam is the way of life, which Allah has chosen for all human beings since the very beginning  of the creation. Amongst the various courses and paths, Islam is the only path which Allah has prescribed for the humanity to follow. Those who follow this path are called Muslims. This way of life guarantees the wellbeing of its follower in this world as well as the next. In every age and to every people this path was shown through their respective prophets.

Islam in its perfect shape was finalized at the hand of holy prophet Muhammad (Pease be upon him). Religions revealed to the earlier prophets like Ibraheem (Abraham), Moosa (moses) and Isa (Jesus) (peace Be upon them) were initial editions of Islam, which now stand perfected for all times, climes and people to follow and realize the bounties in this life and the hereafter.

2012 Final Chemistry Pastpaper MCQ Answers | Sri lanka advanced level

Some important points for you

1.       Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.
2.       We can do anything we want to if we stick to it long enough.
3.       There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work and learning from failure.
4.       There is nothing impossible to him who tries
5.       Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to success is to always to try just once more
6.       Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as you were to live forever.

-Shaheedh Sabeela Beham, Fathima Zahra Ladies Arabic College-

2011 Final Chemistry Pastpaper MCQ Answers Government Issued | Advanced level sri lanka

The fox and the stork

A fox wanted to tease a stork. He invited the stork to dinner. The stork accepted. The fox prepared a soup and served the soup in a big flat plate. He said ”let’s start the dinner” and began lapping. He looked at the stork and asked “isn’t the soup delicious? You like it? Don’t you?”
The stork could only smell the flavor. She was not able to drink the soup with her long beak from the flat plate. She understood that the fox teasing her. She looked hopelessly while the fox was just enjoying himself.

After they had finished, the stork invited the fox. The fox said he that he would come. So a few days later’ the stork prepared soup and now she served it in a long jug with a narrow mouth.
Now, the fox cold not drink from the jug. But the stork drank comfortably and said “what a nice soup! I prepared this specially for you. Please don’t feel shy. Have as much as you want”.
The fox now felt that he was paying for his mischief. TIT FOR TAT.

-Rayeesa Ranu, Oddamavadi-

2010 Chemistry Past paper mcq answers advanced level sri lanka

Let’s save the trees for our survival

The natural environment is a very intimate comrade of us. Also most probably the nature is covered with the trees as a green carpet. Trees are the major source where the oxygen is produced.
Even though oxygen is the main necessity for the lives of us. Due to of globalization, urbanization and modernization, this is eliminated from this illusive world. So, the man wants to be alert to face the challenges, caused by his activities. For that he just wants to clasp the spirit of nature firmly. As human who carry a sound knowledge about the world, we should think about the steps to be taken save the nature.

My dearest friends! We are not ignorant men. We have been granted the wisdom by Allah. So, we just have to think about the future generations too. Let’s grow the trees before we fall in adversity.

-Mohammed Jabeer Fathima Mubashshira 2017 A/L Batch-

06 November, 2016

2009 Chemistry Past paper answers advanced level sri lanka

Let’s save the trees for our survival

The natural environment is a very intimate comrade of us. Also most probably the nature is covered with the trees as a green carpet. Trees are the major source where the oxygen is produced.
Even though oxygen is the main necessity for the lives of us. Due to of globalization, urbanization and modernization, this is eliminated from this illusive world. So, the man wants to be alert to face the challenges, caused by his activities. For that he just wants to clasp the spirit of nature firmly. As human who carry a sound knowledge about the world, we should think about the steps to be taken save the nature.

My dearest friends! We are not ignorant men. We have been granted the wisdom by Allah. So, we just have to think about the future generations too. Let’s grow the trees before we fall in adversity.
-Mohammed Jabeer Fathima Mubashshira 2017 A/L Batch-

2008 Final Chemistry Pastpaper MCQ Answers Sri lanka advanced level


Friendship is a bond between two living beings. Friendships are formed irrespective of age, status, caste, creed and gender. A child, a teenager, a young man or even an old man can find a friend according to his feeling and wishes. True friends share feeling such as happiness, sadness and affection. Friend should be trustworthy and loyal to each other. Caring and sharing make a friendship healthy and it uplifts the lives of friends and it will give Color to life, there is proverb that “a friend in need is a friend indeed”. Play wrights have written plays on friendship, lyricists have woven lyrics on friendship, poets have written poems on friendship and novelists have made friendship the them of their novels.