07 November, 2016

2011 Final Chemistry Pastpaper MCQ Answers Government Issued | Advanced level sri lanka

The fox and the stork

A fox wanted to tease a stork. He invited the stork to dinner. The stork accepted. The fox prepared a soup and served the soup in a big flat plate. He said ”let’s start the dinner” and began lapping. He looked at the stork and asked “isn’t the soup delicious? You like it? Don’t you?”
The stork could only smell the flavor. She was not able to drink the soup with her long beak from the flat plate. She understood that the fox teasing her. She looked hopelessly while the fox was just enjoying himself.

After they had finished, the stork invited the fox. The fox said he that he would come. So a few days later’ the stork prepared soup and now she served it in a long jug with a narrow mouth.
Now, the fox cold not drink from the jug. But the stork drank comfortably and said “what a nice soup! I prepared this specially for you. Please don’t feel shy. Have as much as you want”.
The fox now felt that he was paying for his mischief. TIT FOR TAT.

-Rayeesa Ranu, Oddamavadi-


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