15 November, 2016

How to get best exam results, higher marks in advanced level in srilanka

10.Time Management
before you begin to write. Allocate time for every Question. Some of the question are hard and others easy. So easy question take less time and hard question take more time.  So you should dedicate more time for hard question.

09.Check and re-check your answer paper
Many of the students fall short of time to check their answer paper after finishing it. So try to answer all questions at least 15 minute before. So that you have enough time to recheck all your written answers

handwriting is most important think for students. So write beautifully and clearly.

07.Turn lesson into stories
all people like to read or listen good and meaningful stories.  The reason is they help to us understand and Memorise key details too. So you can turn your studies to memorizable crazy stories.

06.Turn lesson into songs
Everybody likes to listen to a good songs. Not only do song entertain us. They also help to understand end reduce tension. You can apply this to your studies by weaving important details or facts in to song.

Eg: Chemistry element
Hello He Like Be Benze Car Number Of Neya Nana… H, He, Li, Be, B, C, N, O, Ne, Na…

05.Take Regular Study Breaks
We are not robots. We are human. So we can’t work or study continues. Because without having break We can’t maintain an optimum level of concentration. This can take 15 minutes walk, a trip to home garden, having a chat with a family member or friends or simply fixing yourself a cool drink. Taking a breaks not only improve your focus, they can protect your health too.

04.Test your self

03.find a healthy balance

02.Collaborate with Study partners

01.Set study coals
Select subject with your interest. Also those subjects are easy to you. If you are happy with the goals? You have set the you should aim to develop your study plan for the year head with your goals in mind.

14 November, 2016

Sri Lanka AL Syllabuses in Sinhala PDF Download for free

Grade 12, 13 - Syllabuses in Sinhala

12 November, 2016

Sinhala Medium Model Paper 2016 Past Paper Based For 2017 Batch Chemistry

Too clever

There was once a boy who thought himself very clever. He took two in his hand and told his younger brother that there were three cakes. “but I see only two cakes in your hand,”. Said the younger. “how can it be?”. Said the elder brother. “there are three cakes here. This number one and this is number two; one and two make three you foolish boy!” the clever brother was thus arguing and teasing the smaller one when their father came on the scene and inquired into their dispute. “very well”, said father, “Give me cake number one and give your brother cake number two. You may eat the remaining one!”

-Hasith Rangana, A/L 2018 Batch, Royal college, Colombo-

11 November, 2016

2016 Grade 5 Scholarship Past Papers free download srilanka | Tamil Medium

A PROUD GIRL ( the small story about poor girl )

Once there lived a girl by the name of Sita. Her parents were poor, and she too was very poor. They had two cows which gave them milk. They sold the milk and bought their food and clothes.
Sita’s birthday came round and on that day her mother gave her pot of milk saying, “sell this milk and buy some sweets for yourself.” Sita was very happy and away she went with the pot of milk on her head.

On her way, however, she began to think, “Why must I waste this money on sweets? I shall buy a hen and some eggs with it. The hen will sit on them and after about three weeks there will be small chicks. I shall feed them well and help them to grow. After about eight months the hence will lay eggs and I shall get chick from them too. Some Time later I shall sell them and buy a beautiful saree and a jacket to wear. I shall look smart and pretty in my new dress. I shall them go about the streets tossing my head at the other girls. “With that she tossed full of tears, the unhappy girl went back home, without the sweets and without the saree!

-Anushika Hemamaali, Advance level 2017 batch, Viharamahadevi school, Badulla.-

08 November, 2016

Download government model o/l Science papers Tamil Medium 2016

Download is available (Scroll down for download 2016 Science paper Tamil medium) 

The value of reading

Reading is a very useful activity to pass time. :reading make a full man” is an epithet of Francis bacon. There is a truth in this great saying. The habits of reading is highly advantageous to anyone. Reading helps us to acquire knowledge on various subjects. Apart from that we can get mental satisfaction by reading. As books are written by great people, it is apparent that reading is a useful hobby

Tongue twist

If one doctor doctors another doctor does the doctor who doctors the doctor, doctor the doctor the way the doctor he is doctoring doctors or does the doctor doctors the way the doctor who doctors the doctors

07 November, 2016

How to Study Without Getting Bored, Spend Vacation useful

Spend Vacation Useful

April, the month of vacation, trip and fun is over and friends it’s time to get back to our routines. As students, our routines are obviously studying, attending tuitions, sleeping and then again studying ect… the chain goes on, isn’t it. Ah! I know! These stuffs are quite boring for fun loving children like you. Yet, my dear brothers and sisters, one thing that you must instill strongly in your minds is that “studying is a part and parcel of your life”. It is in your hands to make it either exciting or tedious…

1.       Find a suitable place for study
One of the most important aspects for studying is finding the right place. Although you don’t want to get bored, you want to make sure you are in a place that is free of distraction. Distractions are counterproductive to learning and will actually cause you to become more bored because you are reminded of the things you could be doing other than studying.

2.       Don’t get too comfortable
if you are too comfortable in your study environment, you are like to get distracted, bored, of fall asleep. Avoid lying down when you need to study. You want a chair that supports your back and body, But don’t sit in a chair that is too comfortable. You don’t want get bored or sleepy, which will defeat the purpose of your study session.

3.       Plan your end goals
one reason you get bored may be because you have no clear idea of your study session is going or what you need to accomplish. Plan ahead and have what you want to do in your mind before you begin to study. Lay out what you know you need to get accomplished and how long you need to take to complete it.

4.       Mix up your topics
to help you not get bored while you are studying, you should change up the topics that you are studying. It is unlikely that you only have one subject to study for at a time, so mix up what you study every half an hour or so.

5.       Pick your most active time of day
studying during the time of day where you are most awake and active can help you study for longer periods of time without getting bored. You will be more aware and more likely to take in what you are studying as well.

6.       Take breaks
sitting in the same position for hour, especially when you are studying for a big exam, can lead to massive bouts of boredom. Try braking it up with small break every hour or so. If you have been sitting down for a long time, take a stretching break. Reward yourselves every hour with a 10 minute basketball break or take a short jog around the block.

7.       Make it fun

8.       Reward yourself

9.       Take notes as you go

10.   Avoid electronics

2013 Final Chemistry Pastpaper MCQ Answers advanced level | Government


Islam is the way of life, which Allah has chosen for all human beings since the very beginning  of the creation. Amongst the various courses and paths, Islam is the only path which Allah has prescribed for the humanity to follow. Those who follow this path are called Muslims. This way of life guarantees the wellbeing of its follower in this world as well as the next. In every age and to every people this path was shown through their respective prophets.

Islam in its perfect shape was finalized at the hand of holy prophet Muhammad (Pease be upon him). Religions revealed to the earlier prophets like Ibraheem (Abraham), Moosa (moses) and Isa (Jesus) (peace Be upon them) were initial editions of Islam, which now stand perfected for all times, climes and people to follow and realize the bounties in this life and the hereafter.

2012 Final Chemistry Pastpaper MCQ Answers | Sri lanka advanced level

Some important points for you

1.       Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.
2.       We can do anything we want to if we stick to it long enough.
3.       There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work and learning from failure.
4.       There is nothing impossible to him who tries
5.       Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to success is to always to try just once more
6.       Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as you were to live forever.

-Shaheedh Sabeela Beham, Fathima Zahra Ladies Arabic College-