07 November, 2016

How to Study Without Getting Bored, Spend Vacation useful

Spend Vacation Useful

April, the month of vacation, trip and fun is over and friends it’s time to get back to our routines. As students, our routines are obviously studying, attending tuitions, sleeping and then again studying ect… the chain goes on, isn’t it. Ah! I know! These stuffs are quite boring for fun loving children like you. Yet, my dear brothers and sisters, one thing that you must instill strongly in your minds is that “studying is a part and parcel of your life”. It is in your hands to make it either exciting or tedious…

1.       Find a suitable place for study
One of the most important aspects for studying is finding the right place. Although you don’t want to get bored, you want to make sure you are in a place that is free of distraction. Distractions are counterproductive to learning and will actually cause you to become more bored because you are reminded of the things you could be doing other than studying.

2.       Don’t get too comfortable
if you are too comfortable in your study environment, you are like to get distracted, bored, of fall asleep. Avoid lying down when you need to study. You want a chair that supports your back and body, But don’t sit in a chair that is too comfortable. You don’t want get bored or sleepy, which will defeat the purpose of your study session.

3.       Plan your end goals
one reason you get bored may be because you have no clear idea of your study session is going or what you need to accomplish. Plan ahead and have what you want to do in your mind before you begin to study. Lay out what you know you need to get accomplished and how long you need to take to complete it.

4.       Mix up your topics
to help you not get bored while you are studying, you should change up the topics that you are studying. It is unlikely that you only have one subject to study for at a time, so mix up what you study every half an hour or so.

5.       Pick your most active time of day
studying during the time of day where you are most awake and active can help you study for longer periods of time without getting bored. You will be more aware and more likely to take in what you are studying as well.

6.       Take breaks
sitting in the same position for hour, especially when you are studying for a big exam, can lead to massive bouts of boredom. Try braking it up with small break every hour or so. If you have been sitting down for a long time, take a stretching break. Reward yourselves every hour with a 10 minute basketball break or take a short jog around the block.

7.       Make it fun

8.       Reward yourself

9.       Take notes as you go

10.   Avoid electronics


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