Showing posts with label Story. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Story. Show all posts

22 December, 2016

How the Ethiopian wife tamed her husband - Story african women, ethiopian women

How the Ethiopian tamed her husband

Since there was a woman who was greatly troubled by a husband. he no longer lived her. he neglected her and didn't seem to mind whether she was happy or sad.

so the woman took her troubles to her local herbalists. she told him her story, full of pity for herself  and her sad plight. 'can you give me a charm to make him love me again ?' she asked anxiously.

the herbalist thought for a moment and replied, 'I will help you, but first you must bring me three hairs from the mane of a living lion. these I must have before I can make a charm for you'.

the woman thanked the herbalist and went away.  when she came her near her home she sat down on a rock and began to think , 'how shall I do this thing?' there is a lion who often comes near my village, it is true. but he is fierce and roars fearfully'. then she thought again and at last she knew what she would do. 

and so, early next morning she took a young lamp and went to the place where the lion was accustomed to stroll about. she waited anxiously. at last she saw the lion approaching. now was the time. quickly she arose and leaving the lamb in the path of the lion, she went home. and so it was the time. quickly she arose and leaving the lamp in the path of the lion, she went home. and so it was that everyday in the morning the woman would rise and take a young lamp to the lion. soon the lion came to know the woman. for she was always in the same place at the same time every day with a young and tender lamp. she was indeed a kind and attentive woman.

it was not long before the lion began to wag his tail each time he saw her and would come close to her and he would her strock his head. each day the woman would stay quietly stocking the lion, gently and lovingly. then one day when she knew that the lion trusted her she carefully pulled three hairs from his mane, and happily set out for the herbalist's dwelling.

'see,' she said triumphantly as she entered, 'here they are!' and she gave him the three hairs from the lion's mane.

'how is it that you have Been so clever?' asked the herbalist In amazement.

so the woman told him the story of how she had patiently succeeded in winning the hairs from the lion. 

a smile spread over the face of the herbalist, and leaning forward, he said 'you have tamed the lion, now tame your husband in the same way'.

Logarska - Na Razpotju

28 November, 2016

Real life vampires are ghosts- Take a look for real ghost

going to scared you a bit

yes. the topics for todays discussion would be on "vampire". hope i didnt get you on nerves! what do you all know regarding vampires? let's look at some suggestions.they are blood thirsty beingsappear in fictitious novels and movies as evil characters.
 never existed in reality. were only a myth. had two fangs like structures in their front teeth in order to sick blood .pretty cool... isn't it?

well, vampires are illusionary characters fashioned by people in order to evoke sense of fear, curiosity and excitement in novels and movies. there has never been proof to prove that vampires really existed. yet, vampire literally means "blood ducking creatures". hence, if viewed in this angle, then it can be said that there are vampires in our environment as well. confused?

here are some of the vampires found in real life

  • mosquito
  • leach: a kind of worm that clings on to the human body and suckling blood 
  • vampire bat : this type of bat, of which there are three species, is the only know mammal whose died is solely based on blood
  • bedbug: a kind of bug usually found in beds. they stick to the human skin and suck out blood.
  • oxpecker : a bird variety, also known as "tickbird". they feed not only on the tick of the host's body, but also on the tick not the wounds of the host.
  • vampire finch : a kind of small bird, mostly found on galapagos islands. they have a thirst for blood.
  • flea: a creature that killed a quaternary of europe's population during the middle ages. feed on animal and human flesh and blood.
  • certain fish varieties- eg: lamprey, can direct
  • the vampires squid- a sea organism
  • tick- a small insect usually found in the bodies of buffalo's and cows. they stick to the body as parasites and suck out blood.
quite scary but interesting isn't it friends?

hope that you would have gained some perspective to a look at vampires from a different approach apart from the traditional view that "vampires are ghosts".

26 November, 2016

How Andare ate the Sinhalese Kings sugar Old Story- Aluth wal-lpaper story sinhala

How Andare ate the Sinhalese kings sugar

Long long ago when the Sinhalese kings were ruling Sri Lanka there lived a famous court jester by the name of andare. by his many tricks and witty jests he amused the king and the queen at all times of the day  he was threrfore allowed much liberty at the court.

one morning when he went to the palace he saw some sugar spread on a mat put out to dry in an inner courtyard. he pretended not to know what it was and asked the king what happend to be there at the time "what is this stuff your majesty that is on the mat?" "it is a kind of white sand andare" replied the king. "do you like to eat it?" "oh, no my lord; not so soon," said andare, and immediatly thought of a cunning plan to eat the sugar.

19 November, 2016

Story about Kaluhamy and the Beggar-Sri Lankan old Anthare

This story make old school life feelings
(Don't miss this)

Once upon a time there lived a gama-rala and his wife who had a daughter by the name of kaluhamy. They loved her dearly, for she was the only child they had. But unfortunately she died at an early age and this saddened the parent very much.

Not long after this sad event there came a very lean beggar to the house when the gama-rala was out in the field. Seeing the miserable state of the beggar, the sorrowing mother of Kaluhamy took pity on him and inquired how he got so lean. The beggar replied “e-lova gihin me-lova ava” (“I have just returned from the other world”). He meant of course that he had been very, very ill recently and had just escaped death. But the foolish woman thought that he had really gone to other world, and asked if he had not seen her daughter, Kaluhamy, there. Seeing that the woman was a very foolish person, the beggar gave cunning answer.

He said, “of course, I knew Kaluhamy there. In fact it was I who married her”. The old woman believed his story and showed her supposed son-in-law great affection. She gave him good things to eat, and later all the rich jewels and silks she had, to be taken to her daughter as her dowry. The beggar hastened away with them without losing much time.

A short while later the Gama-Rala returned home and when he heard what had happened he flew into a rage, he found fault with his wife for having acted so foolishly, and mounting his horse he chased after the beggar. In a short time he saw him and was about to overtake him. thereupon the beggar climbed a tree but the Gama-Rala followed him there too. The beggar, then got down by a branch, and untying Gama-Rala’s on it as he could.

The gama-rala was still on the tree and found that nothing could be done. Therefore he shouted after the  feeling Beggar, “son-in-law! Son-in-law! Tell my daughter Kaluhamy, that the jewels are from the mother, but the horse is from the father!” 😂😂😂

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