19 November, 2016

Story about Kaluhamy and the Beggar-Sri Lankan old Anthare

This story make old school life feelings
(Don't miss this)

Once upon a time there lived a gama-rala and his wife who had a daughter by the name of kaluhamy. They loved her dearly, for she was the only child they had. But unfortunately she died at an early age and this saddened the parent very much.

Not long after this sad event there came a very lean beggar to the house when the gama-rala was out in the field. Seeing the miserable state of the beggar, the sorrowing mother of Kaluhamy took pity on him and inquired how he got so lean. The beggar replied “e-lova gihin me-lova ava” (“I have just returned from the other world”). He meant of course that he had been very, very ill recently and had just escaped death. But the foolish woman thought that he had really gone to other world, and asked if he had not seen her daughter, Kaluhamy, there. Seeing that the woman was a very foolish person, the beggar gave cunning answer.

He said, “of course, I knew Kaluhamy there. In fact it was I who married her”. The old woman believed his story and showed her supposed son-in-law great affection. She gave him good things to eat, and later all the rich jewels and silks she had, to be taken to her daughter as her dowry. The beggar hastened away with them without losing much time.

A short while later the Gama-Rala returned home and when he heard what had happened he flew into a rage, he found fault with his wife for having acted so foolishly, and mounting his horse he chased after the beggar. In a short time he saw him and was about to overtake him. thereupon the beggar climbed a tree but the Gama-Rala followed him there too. The beggar, then got down by a branch, and untying Gama-Rala’s on it as he could.

The gama-rala was still on the tree and found that nothing could be done. Therefore he shouted after the  feeling Beggar, “son-in-law! Son-in-law! Tell my daughter Kaluhamy, that the jewels are from the mother, but the horse is from the father!” 😂😂😂

Read More Poor Girl


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