28 November, 2016

Real life vampires are ghosts- Take a look for real ghost

going to scared you a bit

yes. the topics for todays discussion would be on "vampire". hope i didnt get you on nerves! what do you all know regarding vampires? let's look at some suggestions.they are blood thirsty beingsappear in fictitious novels and movies as evil characters.
 never existed in reality. were only a myth. had two fangs like structures in their front teeth in order to sick blood .pretty cool... isn't it?

well, vampires are illusionary characters fashioned by people in order to evoke sense of fear, curiosity and excitement in novels and movies. there has never been proof to prove that vampires really existed. yet, vampire literally means "blood ducking creatures". hence, if viewed in this angle, then it can be said that there are vampires in our environment as well. confused?

here are some of the vampires found in real life

  • mosquito
  • leach: a kind of worm that clings on to the human body and suckling blood 
  • vampire bat : this type of bat, of which there are three species, is the only know mammal whose died is solely based on blood
  • bedbug: a kind of bug usually found in beds. they stick to the human skin and suck out blood.
  • oxpecker : a bird variety, also known as "tickbird". they feed not only on the tick of the host's body, but also on the tick not the wounds of the host.
  • vampire finch : a kind of small bird, mostly found on galapagos islands. they have a thirst for blood.
  • flea: a creature that killed a quaternary of europe's population during the middle ages. feed on animal and human flesh and blood.
  • certain fish varieties- eg: lamprey, can direct
  • the vampires squid- a sea organism
  • tick- a small insect usually found in the bodies of buffalo's and cows. they stick to the body as parasites and suck out blood.
quite scary but interesting isn't it friends?

hope that you would have gained some perspective to a look at vampires from a different approach apart from the traditional view that "vampires are ghosts".


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