26 November, 2016

How Andare ate the Sinhalese Kings sugar Old Story- Aluth wal-lpaper story sinhala

How Andare ate the Sinhalese kings sugar

Long long ago when the Sinhalese kings were ruling Sri Lanka there lived a famous court jester by the name of andare. by his many tricks and witty jests he amused the king and the queen at all times of the day  he was threrfore allowed much liberty at the court.

one morning when he went to the palace he saw some sugar spread on a mat put out to dry in an inner courtyard. he pretended not to know what it was and asked the king what happend to be there at the time "what is this stuff your majesty that is on the mat?" "it is a kind of white sand andare" replied the king. "do you like to eat it?" "oh, no my lord; not so soon," said andare, and immediatly thought of a cunning plan to eat the sugar.

22 November, 2016

How to create and verify PayPal account for personal use

Hi guys, today I am going to show you how to make a PayPal account and how to verify it. First I like to talk about what is Paypal. PayPal is a service that enables you to pay, send money and accept Online payment.  There are three main types of PayPal accounts: Personal, Premier and Business. In every account Paypal debit card is available.

Now start my tutorial about how to create Paypal account and how to verify
First go to www.Paypal.com and click Sign Up at the top of the page. Next Select the type of the account would you like to open. If you are looking for business account then click “Business”, Looking for Personal then click Personal. Then on the form fill with your information.  After select your country (Must be Country of Permanent Residence).

After input your data add a valid and permanent e-mail address and choose a password (including numbers, simples, upper and lower characters on your Password is make more security for your account). Then click continue and fill out the CAPTCHA. After that read the privacy policy and term and conditions then click agree and create account. Next go to your email inbox and find Paypal email and verify your email address by click given link.

You have done creating your Paypal account now
Now is the time for verify your Paypal account using debit or visa card

Step 1-Log in to your Paypal account.
Step 2-Click Wallet top of the home page
Step 3-Click link a card
Step 4-Input your card details and hit Enter

Your card (if your card is empty you cannot use for verify. Because on your verification process  they get some little money from your debit card. Don’t worry about this. They refund after verification process is done)

If you In Sri Lanka. I recommend Payoneer for Online payment.
Because, that is safe and allowed in Sri Lanka

You done, if you have any trouble
Discuss with us via commenting below

Next Article about:- How to create a Payoneer account Sri Lanka

20 November, 2016

A fire broke out at a Private garments store Fashion Bug in Pepiliyana in Nugegoda

A major fire swept through the premises of a ‘Fashion Bug’ building at Pepiliyana in Nugegoda yesterday night.
Five fire engines and emergency vehicles were sent to the scene by the Dehiwala Fire Brigade to put out the blaze which started in the third floor and spread to the other floors of the building. Two fire engines from Kotte and two from Colombo were also rushed to the scene to douse the fire.
The cause of the fire was not known. Further investigations were underway. The CCTV footage was taken over by police for the investigations. The same building came under arson attack by a mob in May 2013.

Source: The Sunday Times Sri Lanka

19 November, 2016

Story about Kaluhamy and the Beggar-Sri Lankan old Anthare

This story make old school life feelings
(Don't miss this)

Once upon a time there lived a gama-rala and his wife who had a daughter by the name of kaluhamy. They loved her dearly, for she was the only child they had. But unfortunately she died at an early age and this saddened the parent very much.

Not long after this sad event there came a very lean beggar to the house when the gama-rala was out in the field. Seeing the miserable state of the beggar, the sorrowing mother of Kaluhamy took pity on him and inquired how he got so lean. The beggar replied “e-lova gihin me-lova ava” (“I have just returned from the other world”). He meant of course that he had been very, very ill recently and had just escaped death. But the foolish woman thought that he had really gone to other world, and asked if he had not seen her daughter, Kaluhamy, there. Seeing that the woman was a very foolish person, the beggar gave cunning answer.

He said, “of course, I knew Kaluhamy there. In fact it was I who married her”. The old woman believed his story and showed her supposed son-in-law great affection. She gave him good things to eat, and later all the rich jewels and silks she had, to be taken to her daughter as her dowry. The beggar hastened away with them without losing much time.

A short while later the Gama-Rala returned home and when he heard what had happened he flew into a rage, he found fault with his wife for having acted so foolishly, and mounting his horse he chased after the beggar. In a short time he saw him and was about to overtake him. thereupon the beggar climbed a tree but the Gama-Rala followed him there too. The beggar, then got down by a branch, and untying Gama-Rala’s on it as he could.

The gama-rala was still on the tree and found that nothing could be done. Therefore he shouted after the  feeling Beggar, “son-in-law! Son-in-law! Tell my daughter Kaluhamy, that the jewels are from the mother, but the horse is from the father!” 😂😂😂

Read More Poor Girl

16 November, 2016

Sri Lanka 2016 Advanced Level Results will be released this month 27

2016 Advanced Level Results will be released this month 27

The commissioner general of examinations said that the G.C.E Advanced Level Examination results will be released 2016.11.27. Commissioner said that the result will be posted in the ministry Website http://doenets.lk. For More

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For More Information 

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Tips and tricks for get free facebook likes | fb loging

Here is the guide for how to get free facebook likes
There are so many website for fake facebook likes on the internet but most of them don’t give successful results. Here I am going to share you some free fake likes giving sites. Today I am sharing a website Myliker which give you 300 likes for your photos, 200 likes for your facebook status and 300 likes for your status. It’s sound look crazy. But that it true.

Myliker is very simple and easy to use

About Myliker
Myliker is Best Facebook Auto Liker website where you can get Likes on your Facebook Status, Photos and pages. Myliker have more Facebook Auto tools Likes Facebook Auto Likes, Auto comments and Facebook Auto Follower. Myliker is giving you fast Facebook likes, comments and followers. Myliker have Facebook auto sharing tool also and you can get more Facebook tools here. Enjoy our Facebook Auto Liker tools and increase likes on your Facebook status, Photos, comments and Fan page. Enjoy our Safe and Secure Facebook Auto Likes and Auto Followers 2016 tools.

How can I use Myliker. Follow these steps (Method one)
  1. Go to myliker
  2. click on Get Access Token
    😎  from there you will get a token (like URL) , 
  1. Again come to Myliker home page and paste it on the given URL box.
  2. You will log in to Myliker page and you can select your photo or status
If you did correctly, You can get free likes
100% Working. See the Video tutorial below!!

Any doubts comment below?

15 November, 2016

How to get best exam results, higher marks in advanced level in srilanka

10.Time Management
before you begin to write. Allocate time for every Question. Some of the question are hard and others easy. So easy question take less time and hard question take more time.  So you should dedicate more time for hard question.

09.Check and re-check your answer paper
Many of the students fall short of time to check their answer paper after finishing it. So try to answer all questions at least 15 minute before. So that you have enough time to recheck all your written answers

handwriting is most important think for students. So write beautifully and clearly.

07.Turn lesson into stories
all people like to read or listen good and meaningful stories.  The reason is they help to us understand and Memorise key details too. So you can turn your studies to memorizable crazy stories.

06.Turn lesson into songs
Everybody likes to listen to a good songs. Not only do song entertain us. They also help to understand end reduce tension. You can apply this to your studies by weaving important details or facts in to song.

Eg: Chemistry element
Hello He Like Be Benze Car Number Of Neya Nana… H, He, Li, Be, B, C, N, O, Ne, Na…

05.Take Regular Study Breaks
We are not robots. We are human. So we can’t work or study continues. Because without having break We can’t maintain an optimum level of concentration. This can take 15 minutes walk, a trip to home garden, having a chat with a family member or friends or simply fixing yourself a cool drink. Taking a breaks not only improve your focus, they can protect your health too.

04.Test your self

03.find a healthy balance

02.Collaborate with Study partners

01.Set study coals
Select subject with your interest. Also those subjects are easy to you. If you are happy with the goals? You have set the you should aim to develop your study plan for the year head with your goals in mind.

14 November, 2016

Sri Lanka AL Syllabuses in Sinhala PDF Download for free

Grade 12, 13 - Syllabuses in Sinhala