22 November, 2016

How to create and verify PayPal account for personal use

Hi guys, today I am going to show you how to make a PayPal account and how to verify it. First I like to talk about what is Paypal. PayPal is a service that enables you to pay, send money and accept Online payment.  There are three main types of PayPal accounts: Personal, Premier and Business. In every account Paypal debit card is available.

Now start my tutorial about how to create Paypal account and how to verify
First go to www.Paypal.com and click Sign Up at the top of the page. Next Select the type of the account would you like to open. If you are looking for business account then click “Business”, Looking for Personal then click Personal. Then on the form fill with your information.  After select your country (Must be Country of Permanent Residence).

After input your data add a valid and permanent e-mail address and choose a password (including numbers, simples, upper and lower characters on your Password is make more security for your account). Then click continue and fill out the CAPTCHA. After that read the privacy policy and term and conditions then click agree and create account. Next go to your email inbox and find Paypal email and verify your email address by click given link.

You have done creating your Paypal account now
Now is the time for verify your Paypal account using debit or visa card

Step 1-Log in to your Paypal account.
Step 2-Click Wallet top of the home page
Step 3-Click link a card
Step 4-Input your card details and hit Enter

Your card (if your card is empty you cannot use for verify. Because on your verification process  they get some little money from your debit card. Don’t worry about this. They refund after verification process is done)

If you In Sri Lanka. I recommend Payoneer for Online payment.
Because, that is safe and allowed in Sri Lanka

You done, if you have any trouble
Discuss with us via commenting below

Next Article about:- How to create a Payoneer account Sri Lanka


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